新的Netflix大片《慕尼黑:战争的边缘》的作者和明星在History Hit的战争播客中与该片的历史代言人詹姆斯-罗杰斯对话

Harold Jones 18-10-2023
Harold Jones


詹姆斯就罗伯特-哈里斯对张伯伦这一传统上被视为愚蠢和软弱的政治家的重新评价进行了有争议的质询,两人讨论了将首相描绘成一个 "面对不可逾越的压力,饱受折磨但又坚忍不拔的英雄 "这一也许令人惊讶的画面。

除了BAFTA苏格兰奖得主和BAFTA奖提名者乔治-麦凯(George MacKay)之外,最吸引人的启示也许是当詹姆斯与他的合作演员扬尼斯-尼沃纳(Jannis Niewöhner)谈及他最近发现他的祖母和她的父亲实际上曾被亲自邀请到希特勒的家里,希特勒在那里亲吻了他。这对夫妇讨论了一个故事的当代重要性,这个故事探讨了你的国家或你的朋友的政治行动如何与你的个人信仰相悖的困难,以及想让你的国家再次伟大而又对这样做的政治保持怀疑的问题。

慕尼黑:战争的边缘 从1月21日星期五起,可在 战争 .

History Hit是英国最大的数字历史品牌,涵盖播客、视频点播、社交媒体和网络。


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Harold Jones

Harold Jones is an experienced writer and historian, with a passion for exploring the rich stories that have shaped our world. With over a decade of experience in journalism, he has a keen eye for detail and a real talent for bringing the past to life. Having traveled extensively and worked with leading museums and cultural institutions, Harold is dedicated to unearthing the most fascinating stories from history and sharing them with the world. Through his work, he hopes to inspire a love of learning and a deeper understanding of the people and events that have shaped our world. When he's not busy researching and writing, Harold enjoys hiking, playing guitar, and spending time with his family.