
Harold Jones 18-10-2023
Harold Jones

在11月30日的 "Dan Snow's History Hit "播客节目中,演员和前加州州长阿诺德-施瓦辛格与丹一起谈论了1874年这一天出生的温斯顿-丘吉尔。 他们谈论了阿尼对这位英国前首相作为领导人和思想家的钦佩,他在2003-2011年任职期间如何以丘吉尔为榜样,以及如何他一开始就到了加州。

然后在12月1日,多产的电影导演和制片人雷德利-斯科特(Ridley Scott)在其最新电影上映时与丹一起参加了一个非常特别的节目。 GUCCI之家 特别有趣的是,他们详细讨论了雷德利通过歌剧描绘的性爱场景的方法。 他们还讨论了雷德利导演过程的秘密,他与历史的灵感关系,他被哪些时期所吸引,为什么第二次世界大战对他特别重要,以及他接下来正在进行的工作。

Harold Jones

Harold Jones is an experienced writer and historian, with a passion for exploring the rich stories that have shaped our world. With over a decade of experience in journalism, he has a keen eye for detail and a real talent for bringing the past to life. Having traveled extensively and worked with leading museums and cultural institutions, Harold is dedicated to unearthing the most fascinating stories from history and sharing them with the world. Through his work, he hopes to inspire a love of learning and a deeper understanding of the people and events that have shaped our world. When he's not busy researching and writing, Harold enjoys hiking, playing guitar, and spending time with his family.