
Harold Jones 18-10-2023
Harold Jones

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See_also: 6条改变历史的英雄犬


See_also: 有一个时代:罗莎-帕克斯、小马丁-路德-金和蒙哥马利公交车抵制活动



这些灯是由铁路信号工程师J-P-奈特设计的。 它们在白天使用信号臂来指挥交通,在晚上使用红色和绿色的煤气灯,所有这些都由一名警察来操作。

约翰-皮克-奈特,第一个交通灯背后的人。 来源:J.P奈特博物馆


不幸的是,尽管它们在指挥交通方面取得了成功,但第一批灯并没有持续那么久。 煤气管道的泄漏导致它们爆炸,据说警察操作员因此而死亡。 又过了30年,交通灯才真正兴起,这次是在美国,信号灯以不同的设计在各州兴起。

直到1914年,警察Lester Wire在盐湖城开发了第一个电动交通灯。 1918年,第一个三色灯出现在纽约市。 它们于1925年到达伦敦,位于圣詹姆斯街和皮卡迪利广场的交界处。 但这些灯仍然是由警察使用一系列开关操作的。 沃尔弗汉普顿是美国第一个地方。英国于1926年在公主广场购置了自动灯。

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Harold Jones

Harold Jones is an experienced writer and historian, with a passion for exploring the rich stories that have shaped our world. With over a decade of experience in journalism, he has a keen eye for detail and a real talent for bringing the past to life. Having traveled extensively and worked with leading museums and cultural institutions, Harold is dedicated to unearthing the most fascinating stories from history and sharing them with the world. Through his work, he hopes to inspire a love of learning and a deeper understanding of the people and events that have shaped our world. When he's not busy researching and writing, Harold enjoys hiking, playing guitar, and spending time with his family.