
Harold Jones 18-10-2023
Harold Jones


See_also: 关于罗马城市庞贝和维苏威火山爆发的10个事实

当时,伦琴在维尔茨堡大学工作。 他的实验集中在 "克罗克斯管 "发出的光,这种玻璃管中的空气被排出,并装有电极。 当高电压通过管子时,结果是绿色的荧光。 伦琴意识到,当他把一块厚黑卡包在管子上时,绿色的光芒他的结论是,这种光芒是由能够穿透卡片的不可见光线引起的。

在接下来的几周里,伦琴继续用他的新射线进行实验。 他意识到它们能够穿过纸张以外的物质。 事实上,它们可以穿过身体的软组织,形成骨骼和金属的图像。 在他的实验中,他产生了一个他妻子戴着结婚戒指的手的图像。


伦琴发现的消息传遍全球,医学界很快意识到这是一个重大突破。 一年之内,新的X射线被用于诊断和治疗。 然而,科学界需要更长的时间来理解辐射造成的损害。

X光也吸引了公众的想象力。 人们排队等候拍摄 "骨骼肖像",对X光眼镜的担忧导致了铅制内衣的生产以保护隐私。

1901年,伦琴获得了第一个诺贝尔物理学奖。 他将诺贝尔奖的奖金捐给了维尔茨堡大学,并且从未为自己的工作申请任何专利,以便在全球范围内使用。

See_also: 公路人的王子:迪克-特平是谁? 标签。 OTD

Harold Jones

Harold Jones is an experienced writer and historian, with a passion for exploring the rich stories that have shaped our world. With over a decade of experience in journalism, he has a keen eye for detail and a real talent for bringing the past to life. Having traveled extensively and worked with leading museums and cultural institutions, Harold is dedicated to unearthing the most fascinating stories from history and sharing them with the world. Through his work, he hopes to inspire a love of learning and a deeper understanding of the people and events that have shaped our world. When he's not busy researching and writing, Harold enjoys hiking, playing guitar, and spending time with his family.